Q.1. Name the wide variety of goods sold by the merchants.
Ans :- In the poem the merchants sell turbans of crimson and silver colour, tunics of purple brocade, to mirrors with panels of amber and daggers with handles of jode.
Q.2. The Goldsmiths are busy making what ?
Ans :- In the poem the Goldsmiths are busy making wristlets, anklets and rings. They also make bells for the feet of blue pigeons, girdles of gold for the dancers and scabbard for the king.
Q.3. Describe what the flower girls weave.
Ans :- The flower girls in In the Bazaars of Hyderabad weave delicate garlands of crimson and silver blossoms, meant for various purposes such as crowning a bride’s hair, adorning her bed, and enhancing joyous occasions with their fragrance, beauty, and symbolic significance.
Q.4. Name the fruit cry of the fruitmen.
Ans :- In the poem the fruitmen cry out to sell their citron, pomegranate and plum.
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