Q.1. Who were the Aryans and from where did they come to India ?
Answer : The Aryans were a race and they came to India from Central Asia.
Q.2. How can we find our more about the Aryans ?
Answer : We can find a lot of things about Aryans from the books they wrote which included Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharat.
Q.3. Write about the Vedas and how they were passed on to us.
Answer : The Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, were orally transmitted by sages through memorization and chanting. Later, they were written in Sanskrit, preserving divine knowledge on rituals, philosophy, and cosmology for generations.
Q.4. How did cow-worship begin ?
Answer : Cow worship began in ancient India due to its economic, agricultural, and spiritual significance. Vedas revered cows for their milk, dung, and role in rituals, symbolizing abundance, non-violence, and divine nurturing.
Q.5. What does the word ‘Aryan’ mean ? Describe the characteristics of the Aryans ?
Answer : The word “Aryan” means “noble” or “honorable” in Sanskrit, originally describing virtuous or respected people. To the Aryans of those days, death was better than dishonour or slavery. They were good fighters, they know something of science and a good deal of agriculture.
Q.6. What rules of life did the Aryans keep, which have developed into an unhealthy system today ?
Answer : The Aryans were afraid of getting mixed up with other inhabitants of India. They made laws and rules to prevent this mixture, so that Aryans could not marry others. Long afterwards, this developed into the caste system.
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